Logo design Service in India
Just like name represent unique identity of a person, logos are graphic representations or symbols of a company name, trademark or abbreviation that provide unique status and are used for instant recognition. Designing a logo is a creative task.
Creating a logo is undoubtedly a challenging job , but another most predominating job start when you finish the custom logo design and presents it to the client for approval. If you’re specific custom logo design was unable to satisfy client requirement, your overall work of designing logo was waste. So in order to avoid such situation, first you should have to know each and everything regarding logo design.
- Logo should be original, exclusive, innovative, unique, and beautiful and inspirational. It is necessary component that defines a brand and represents a company. It determines the perspective of a company. Logo is not a simple picture or a photograph holding bunch of keys.
- Before designing logo first memories the brand of company that is for which brand company stands for .On the basis of this information choosing color that correlate with the brand of company.
- Design logo in a the vector graphic format which builds on dots and dashes in the computer so that the size can be made larger without affecting the image quality or resolution. Some of vector-based design applications are CorelDraw, Adobe Illustrator or Inscape.
- Design a logo in such a way that its style, color and image reflects face of brand i.e. what actually the brand offers.
- Color selection is an important factor while designing a logo .try to use minimum number of color and avoid shading. Colors need to be separated.
- Design a logo in such a way that it must be instantly recognizable, must inspire trust, loyalty, admiration and an implied superiority. A good logo is basically a great concept or company value perfectly executed to convey the meaning in layman terms.
- While designing a logo, maintained consistency so that human mind can be impressed easily… It must be meaningful, and easily recognizable as a symbol to stay in the minds of potential clients.
- As the entire business revolves around a logo so the Logos must be unique and be designed to stand the test of time. A unity is required among the different elements and good color contrast in order to be easy on the eyes.
- Font selection is also an important decision while designing logo . Whether you’re using a text-only logo or an illustration, the look of your typography can make or break the overall design. There are mainly three popular font for logo design. First is Trajan Pro that exemplifies history and establishment, used in movie and TV promotions, for many Universities, and on political websites and campaigns. Second is Ethnocentric, it is a futuristic font used for anything needing energy and attitude. You’ll find it representing sci-fi, automotive, athletic, electronic, and technological themed designs. Last is Century Gothic, it embraces the beauty in its roundness. The letters with curves are perfectly arched
- Four main rules define the criteria that a logo must meet; it must be easy to remember, must describe the organization itself, must be effective without color and finally, must meet these three rules in any size, whether gigantic or microscopic.
- Keep the logo simple and easy ,use only one or two elements at most that define the brand and then base your design around them, because too many elements would make the logo complex and will probably end up confusing the customer, defying the entire purpose of the logo.
Keep above mentioned points in mind while designing a logo.
Logo design is the first step in building a corporate identity or image for you, as without a logo, you have no brand identity or image to put forward before your customers or corporate clients.
Abhishek Enterprise offer most reasonable and high quality-custom logos. We guarantee to give your company a new and unique look. You can also give us your ideas and we will incorporate them in your corporate logo.