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Misconceptions About UI/UX Design

In spite of being used for quite some time now, people seem to have many misconceptions & confusion about the work done at UI/UX Design Agency. But before that, it is important to find out what they mean & the difference between the 2 terms.

UI(User Interface) is about the look while UX (User Experience) works on improving the quality of user interaction.

Now that the basic. Here are some common misconceptions that people who don’t work at UI/UX Design company usually have.

  • It is Easy

Both require a lot of thought, research & planning. Actual designing is just a small part of the work involved.

  • Just Doing Design is Enough

It is just the start.  Once you get good UI/UX designs ready, you have a lot of other aspects to take care of, before your website/app starts to bring in organic traffic & contribute to revenue.

  • Copying Successful Design

Using certain designs just because they have been successful in the past is not a good idea. They can be used just for reference. Instead, creating a new design is the best idea. Innovative & creative designs that are being made now can become a source of inspiration for future designers.

  • It is a One-Time Effort

Changes need to be made as & when needed in order to keep your website/app relevant. It is very important to keep updating so that it remains useful.

Are you looking for UI/UX Design Agency in Vadodara, India? Abhishek Graphics has considerable experience in all types of designing for past 28 years. Visit our website or call us at +91-265-2792211 to get more details.
